Personal Injury Solicitors Waterford
A personal injury can be catastrophic in certain circumstances. To be the victim of an accident through no fault of your own can be a stressful and costly event. Accidents can happen so quickly and unexpectedly. An injury can have from relatively minor to very serious and long-term implications for our clients. The stress and consequent lack of certainty can be a very large burden to carry.
Here at Dobbyn & McCoy we have decades of experience in personal injury litigation. We advise the best way to conduct personal injury litigation and always act in our clients’ best interests. We look after you from the very beginning of the process to completion. We find that most of our cases settle outside Court thereby sparing our clients unnecessary stress where possible.
For advice about personal injury litigation, please contact:
Finola Cronin at – Tel. No. (051) 874087
Edel Morrissey at – Tel. No. (051) 390044