Wills & Probate

Book on Wills and Probate, Dobbyn and McCoy Solicitors

Probate Solicitors Waterford

Wills are something we all tend put to one side and leave for a later date. Putting them off can leave you and your partner or spouse vulnerable and subject to tax liabilities that with forward planning, could be avoided. Protecting and passing on your wealth to your loved ones is paramount and our services for private clients range from drawing up wills and administering estates to sophisticated tax and estate planning.

For information about making a will, administering an estate and tax planning please contact:

Danny Morrissey at dmorrissey@dobbynmccoy.com – Tel. No. (051) 874087
Gerard O’Connor at goconnor@dobbynmccoy.com – Tel. No. (051) 874087
Edel Morrissey at emorrissey@dobbynmccoy.com – Tel. No. (051) 390044